A photo of Evan Pratten
Evan Pratten

Meme Appreciation Month

Come chat with young hams, and join the meme madness!

This event has passed. Page preserved for nostalgia.

Meme Appreciation Month is an event organized by a bunch of LIDs as an excuse to put rediculous callsigns on the air a celebration of the funny internet pictures your parents don’t understand during the period from June 25th to August 5th 2022.

Who? ..asked?

During the course of the event, the following callsigns will be active on air:

The actual operators of these calls may (will) rotate throughout the event in order to get the most out of our money (cries in $60 event callsign fees).

Contacting us

Between the group of operators behind this event, we will keep the meme calls on air for most of the event, surely with enough dial spinning you too can add a meme call to your logbook.

Missing out on the lolz? Move closer to Canada Try APRS!

For the duration of the event, VB3YEET will be active autonomously on APRS, listening for messages from near and far both via 144.39MHz and APRS-IS.

Simply send a message to the SSID VB3YEET, wait for your automatic response, and enjoy your call being entered in the logbook within the week! All contacts through this method are marked as both FM and Digital in order to make LOtW happy. I (VA3ZZA) look forward to seeing a stupidly full logbook. Write something funny and I’ll feature it in my post-event writeup.