I like to build things. Here are some of the more interesting bits of software I've built:
- ewconfig - A collection of scripts that automate my life
- Raylib FFI - Direct FFI bindings for calling raylib from Rust code
- Slice - A WearOS watchface that fuses a 24-hour clock with a digital display
- Client Ping - A Minecraft mod that implements multiplayer Point-of-Interest marking
- Evan's Minecraft Modpack - My personal Minecraft modpack
- FrostBucket - A Minecraft server-side plugin that allows players to apply the Frost Walker enchantment to a bucket
- Illuminated Shields - A Minecraft resource pack that causes shields to emit light
- [data::loss] - A Ludum Dare game for the theme: Unstable
- Deep Breath - A Ludum Dare game for the theme: Deeper and deeper
- Micromanaged Mike - A Ludum Dare game for the theme: Keep it alive